Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Custom Closets in Utah - Salt Lake City, Provo, Ogden

Custom Closets in Utah - Salt Lake City, Provo, Ogden


Walk-In Closet Organization


Here at Classy Closets we want to make sure your closet is the best it can be. A tidy closet not only improves your environment by keeping you more organized but it saves you money by giving you a chance to take inventory of what you already have. Here are some steps and advice from two of our designers on how to achieve an organized closet:

Cleaning Out Your Closet:

Do a little spring cleaning:

  • take everything out of your closet so you can see what you have

Evaluate the items:


  • Have you worn it lately? A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t worn it in the last year, get rid of it!

  • Can any items be moved to the garage? Closets should be for clothes, garages are for storage. Check out this post for organizing your garage.

Putting Items Back in Your Closet:

After you’ve gone through everything and before you start putting it back ask yourself a few questions:

  • What do you envision?

Is your goal to have more space freed up in your bedroom and to eliminate excess furniture like dressers? Do you need more hanging space in your closet? More drawers? More shelves?

If so, maybe it’s time to think about a closet redesign. Our designers are experts in helping you maximize your closet space and working with your organizational goals. If you just simply want to reorganize the closet you have, here are some simple ways to do so:

  • Color Coordinate:

Keep  all your clothing items separated by their color. This makes picking out  outfits and matching a whole lot easier.

  • Folded, Hung or in a Drawer:


Anything that can’t be folded, like socks, lingerie, or swimsuits, should be put in a drawer. Other items like shirts and pants you will need to decide whether you prefer them hung or folded on a shelf

  • Establish a rhythm:

Have  items in a left to right order: Undergarments/socks, pants/shirts,  belts/ties, shoes

  • Keep similar items together—all shoes in one place, pants, shirts, etc.

  • Use organizing assistance:

Have  a designated jewelry drawer with separators for necklaces, rings, and bracelets to keep them untangled

Use drawer dividers to separate different colored socks or to keep socks and underwear separated in the same drawer


Find a nice belt or tie rack to keep them all in one place and neatly hung

If you like to have your shoes stored in the box, take a Polaroid picture  and paste it to the outside of the box so you know what shoes are in them

  • Have a hamper inside the closet to keep dirty clothes all in one place and off  the floor

Maintaining Your Organization:

Once everything is put back in your closet and is neatly arranged, make it your goal to keep it that way.

  • One For One

Every time you buy a new item, get rid of an old one. This helps eliminate clutter and save space

  • Empty the Hamper    


This one is simple. Do your laundry so clothes don’t pile up and clutter your  closet

  • Keep Seasonal Items Away 

Just about every closet has a corner. Use those corners to switch out the seasonal items that aren’t in use.


Classy Closets has been Owned and Operated since 1987! We are the experts in maximizing your closet and storage space with custom solutions that are designed to fit your lifestyle as well as your budget 801-572-7712