Monday, June 3, 2013

Salt Lake City Closets - Closet Builders in Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City Closets - Closet Builders in Salt Lake City

One of the most satisfying spring cleaning tasks is cleaning out the closet to make way for warm-weather clothes. Unfortunately, this can be a daunting undertaking, especially if you’ve let the clutter build all winter.  In a nutshell, here is a step-by-step guide to cleaning out your closet.

  1. Straighten it up. Throw away trash and hang everything up so it’s tidy to start.

  2. Remove everything from your closet and lay it out on your bed in groupings: pants, dresses, etc.

  3. Clean your closet: Dust, vacuum and mop.

  4. Sort the clothes into four piles: Keep, save for when they fit, donate, and toss or recycle.

  5. Hang up everything in the “keep” pile. Organize them by type: pants, shirts, dresses, etc.

  6. Return shoes and accessories to the closet.

  7. Dispose of your cast-offs right away. Take the boxes to the donation center and throw away or recycle clothes that are too worn to be donated.

If your closet still feels crowded and inefficient, consider a serious closet organization makeover withCustom Closets Direct. We can create the perfect system for your closet to keep it tidy and your clothes easily accessible.

Classy Closets has been Owned and Operated since 1987! We are the experts in maximizing your closet and storage space with custom solutions that are designed to fit your lifestyle as well as your budget 801-572-7712

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Utah Custom Closets - Custom Closet Builders in Utah

Utah Closets - Closet Builders in Utah

Why A Custom Closet Is Great To Have At Home

  • Custom closets will exactly fit your needs.

    This is the main reason why custom closets are created – to exactly fit your needs. If you are the kind of person who loves to have tons of boots, or maybe jeans, or also shirts, you can have a custom closet builder design and create a closet exactly for those items so that you will not be wasting or lacking any space in your closet. Custom closets are made to adjust for the items which you have and which you use the most which is very efficient

  • Custom closets motivate people to get organized.

    Many custom closets also help people get motivated in organizing their stuff regularly. Since the closet is made to personally fit their items, there will be no more reason to not get organized since everything will have a designated place in the closet and will not look messy or cramped up. Messy or cramped up closets are not visually appealing to people therefore, their motivation to organize is at low.

  • Custom closets give you back more space.

    Custom closets give us back the space we need for more important space designation. Sometimes, when all of our things are cramped up in our standard closets we run out of space and use up all the possible spaces we have left to store other items but if we have custom closets all spaces can be efficiently used even air space. In doing that, we will be able to regain more space in the floor area and the room will not look overcrowded. No more tripping over unorganized items on the floor.

  • Custom closets can work efficiently with whatever space you have.

    Custom closets, unlike standard closets, can be adjusted to adapt to the space that we have in a room. It can also be designed in such a way where you will be able to use a space to its maximum but still not look messy and overcrowded.

  • Custom closets have a wider array of designs.

    Custom closets can be made for every possible design you want. You can go classy and sophisticated and you can also choose cute and informal designs. You can also select the materials you will be using for your closet so you can be sure to achieve the design that you desire.

  • Custom closets are very durable.

    Custom closets are also very durable since you will be able to choose the materials that will be used in the closets. Most custom closets stay for years and would still be the right closet you want for your belongings. Also, custom closet builders can help you select the most durable materials while making sure that the designs and closets they create are made right.

Classy Closets !We are the experts in maximizing your closet and storage space with custom solutions that are designed to fit your lifestyle as well as your budget Call 801-572-7712 to Get a Bid Today! Closets Salt Lake City